As of June 28, 2016, a number of Libraries belonging to different Research Institutes in the territory have joined the SBN Bibliographic Pole managed by the University of Turin, thus creating the Research Bibliographic Pole Catalogue.
The new Catalogue of the Bibliographic Pole of Research, thus extended and integrated, aims to improve the accessibility of the bibliographic heritage in the territory, increasing the quality and efficiency of services, ensuring economies of scale and a wider use of innovative tools, made accessible to users of institutions in the territory and to external users.
The SBN Bibliographic Pole managed by the University of Turin, identified by the acronym UTO, already groups all the University's libraries and is functionally inserted in local, national and international information systems, and over the years has pursued a constant strategy of strengthening its potential through the adaptation of infrastructures and the expansion of the use of content, including digital content.
More details on the project in the paper The Evolution of Digital Bibliographic Services at the University of Turin and the Birth of the Research Bibliographic Hub
The libraries of the various research institutes in the area that have entered the Catalog of the University of Turin are:
- Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza - Polo '900
- Centro Studi Piero Gobetti - Polo '900
- Fondazione Carlo Donat-Cattin - Polo '900
- Istituto Piemontese Antonio Gramsci - Polo '900
- Fondazione Vera Nocentini - Polo '900
- Istituto di Studi Storici Gaetano Salvemini - Polo '900
- Ismel (Istituto memoria e cultura del lavoro, dell'impresa e dei diritti sociali) - Polo '900
- Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza - Polo '900
- Rete italiana di cultura popolare - Polo '900
- Biblioteca dell'Istituto internazionale Don Bosco
- Biblioteca della Curia Metropolitana di Torino
- Biblioteca del Seminario arcivescovile di Torino
- Biblioteca della Fondazione 1563 per l'Arte e la Cultura
- Biblioteca del Conservatorio statale di musica "G. Verdi"
- Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM)
- Biblioteca del Museo Egizio "Silvio Curto"
- Biblioteca "Marcella Novo" - SAA School of Management
- Societa' Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale (SIOI)